How To Join

Why join?

We are a sociable group of English speaking adults who are on regularly and play to have fun and support each other. Many of our members are based in the UK or Europe, but we’ve got several US based members as well, so there’s a wide variety of time zones covered.

You can learn more about us here. Or you can join our Discord server to chat with us directly.

What makes a good Rat Blastard

  • You have a headset and mic and can speak some English.
  • You are at least 18 years of age or older.
  • You treat other players in a decent and supportive way.
  • You play the Division to have fun and to be social.
  • You are on the Division regularly, at least once or twice a week, typically.
  • You own the Warlords of New York expansion.

How to join


To request to join you need to fill out our application form. You'll be asked to provide a nickname or give your first name, so we know what you would like people to call you, and what will be listed on our roster. If you already have a Blastard as a gaming friend or have run with any of our clan members, make sure to fill in the "References" field in the form with the PSN ID of whom you know.

Once you've sent in your application, AngriestAlex will try to contact you. If you have your privacy settings to only allow messages from friends, it's very helpful to send a friend request to AngriestAlex right after you've submitted your application. Otherwise, expect to receive a friend request from AngriestAlex so that we can communicate regarding your application.

If you have any problems with the application process, please contact AngriestAlex via a PS Message or on our Discord.

Approval Process

If you don't have any references, we may want to schedule an introduction session or two in-game before we invite you to join the clan. All recruits have a three week/15 hour activity trial period (whichever comes last) where you get to see if we are good fit for you and vice-versa for us. After that, you'll be promoted to Agent status.

Last Updated: November 8th, 2023