Clan News

Ron closes out the year of 2022 in first place on the weeklly clan leaderboard with over 186 million XP. Psyk was second with over 73 million XP, followed by Guy with over 67 million XP.

The clan earned a gold weekly reward cache and is currently ranked #281 out of all clans for total clan XP earned.

Last week we had 29 clan members actively playing in the Division 2. Here's a weekly summary of what clan members have been spending their gaming time for the week of Monday, December 19th through Sunday, December 25th.

Ron set a new clan record with an amazing 320 million XP earned this week. Guy was second with over 108 million XP, followed by Dave B. with over 66 million XP.

The clan earned a gold weekly reward cache and is currently ranked #282 out of all clans for total clan XP earned.

Last week we had 28 clan members actively playing in the Division 2. Here's a weekly summary of what clan members have been spending their gaming time for the week of Monday, December 12th through Sunday, December 18th.

Guy was first on the weekly clan leaderboard with almost 84 million XP. Psyk was a close second with almost 80 million XP, followed by Dave B. with almost 52 million XP.

The clan earned a gold weekly reward cache and is currently ranked #289 out of all clans for total clan XP earned.

Last week we had 28 clan members actively playing in the Division 2. Here's a weekly summary of what clan members have been spending their gaming time for the week of Monday, December 5th through Sunday, November 11th.

Psyk was first on the weekly clan leaderboard with almost 140 million XP. Dave B. was in second place with over 74 million XP, followed by Tommy with almost 73 million XP

The clan earned a gold weekly reward cache and is currently ranked #292 out of all clans for total clan XP earned.

Last week we had 28 clan members actively playing in the Division 2. Here's a weekly summary of what clan members have been spending their gaming time for the week of Monday, November 28th through Sunday, December 4th.

Ron was on top of the weekly clan leaderboard with over 214 million XP. Psyk was in second with over 101 million XP, followed by Tommy with over 76 million XP.

The clan earned a gold weekly reward cache and is currently ranked #294 out of all clans for total clan XP earned.