Clan News

Here's wishing all Rat Blastards and our extended circle of family, friends and fellow gamers all the best this holiday season.

For those clan members who have been active in the past 30 days, and who haven't already earned every legacy apparel key, you should be recieving a legacy apparel key from the holiday gift dispensing entity of your choice. The only technical rub is due to a bug I cannot send gift keys to members who haven't logged into PSN since the last server maintenance (which was Tuesday.) I'll keep an eye out and try to get the key out to every one I can. Don't be shy about asking if you haven't gotten yours.

On Saturday, June 13th at 18:00 BST (London), our own Amy (turpinator1986) will be doing 24 hours of live streaming on her new Twitch channel for the Game Heroes event to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.

You can support and donate to the cause on her Game Heroes page. Many thanks to all those clan members who have already given. You can also support her by joining her online while she plays to help keep her awake and motivated!

More details below the fold.

Membership has its privileges. If you'd like a email address, just contact me on the Discord or via PS Messages with the email address you'd like your email to be forwarded to.

Check out all the great four legged members of the Rat Blastards on our new mascots page. If you've got a pet, send me a picture via PS Messages, Discord, Facebook or even email (alex AT

Links to the mascots page can be found on the roster or on our guides page.

My wife and I returned back to Munich last night after a three night, four day trip to London. Believe it or not, our primary goal was to meet with a few fellow Rat Blastards.

On Saturday, January 11th, 2020 we will be having our first official Rat Blastard meetup in London in the Leicester Square area. If you are interested in attending, contact me so I can include you in the group PSN message where precise details will be shared.